Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love For Pizza In New York

By Laura Grant

A visit to the city of New York is bound to be captivating as you discover havens of some of the most delicious pizzas that can be prepared anywhere in the world.

This rating is not limited to the United States alone, but globally. And this cannot but be a reality without the influences of notable places such as Manhattan and Brooklyn, two of New York's five boroughs.

This business niche is not at all a new one in New York. As a matter of fact, there are pizzerias that have existed for over 80 years now. More so, many more are still springing up and they are succeeding in really tapping from the experience of the older generation pizzerias in order to couple it with amazing new innovations in preparation of pizzas. This has left pizza lovers in a quest for more from the new generation pizza parlors.

In fact pizzas from the new pizzerias seem to be fast penetrating the taste buds of many and people have no choice than to appreciate such appetizing bites.

For quite some time now, the Neapolitan pizza pie has pervaded the air in New York City. In spite of the small size of this pizza which is subjected during cooking to average temperature, it has not ceased to be a delight of many people who have strong affinity for pizzas in the New York area.

The Lombardi pizza place cannot be left out of the history of pizza parlors in New York. As a matter of fact, one of its peculiarities is the use of the popular coal oven.

However, the presence of some other captivating parlors in the city cannot be denied. There are the likes of Joe Pizza which is located in Greenwich Village and the new Artichoke Pizza in East Village.

Really, you cannot afford to be stranded as regards locating places to have a good time in Brooklyn with pizza bites when there are quite a number of places which are poised to give you some good treat. You cannot afford not to visit Di Farra Pizzeria located in Midwood and the likes of Williamsburg and Forte Greene.

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