Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Special Greenhouses for Separate Plants.

By Dmitry Vasenyov

In this article we want to speak about special greenhouses, arranged for some plant species, such as orchid, special greenhouses for the culture of roses for cutting, etc.

In the orchid greenhouses for majority of orchids it is necessary a lot of light, freshness and air humidity.

In greenhouses for the culture of roses for cutting the special grounds of turf land are arranged. Roses in this case are planted in the soil without the pots.

Finally, in the greenhouses that serve for winter maintenance of plants such as citrus, pine, evergreen and some others in order to avoid the heat of direct solar radiation, the ceiling is made dark, and the plants are lighted by the side through vertical glass wall northward, while glassing from both sides - eastward and westward.

Interior fittings of greenhouses depend on the purpose (plant breeding, culture, or forcing the plants), on the method of application of the areal size that, in turn, is connected with the method of culture.

In the current types of greenhouses there are two main ways to use the space:

1. Rack way - when the culture is grown on special shelves or racks, as, for example, it can be in lean-and gable greenhouses.

Shelves, hills and suspended ceilings are applied for mounting cultivated plants, placement of boxes and bowls with seeding and stems, etc.

Depending on the width of the greenhouse, along its length two racks with a single pass down the middle or three shelves with two passes between them or four-five shelves are arranged.

Present greenhouses have demountable racks. Pipes of heating are placed closer to the stacks, and only part of the pipes is placed overhead in order to prevent freezing of windows in winter.

Racks are a decking on which you set the pots with plants. On the racks you strew a layer of sand about 3 cm thick, which is watered in order to always maintain moisture reserves under the pots with plants mounted on the shelves. In cases when the racks are applied for planting stalks, a thin layer of ground is strewed under the sand.

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