Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Best Working Area For Freelancers

By Jack Wogan

If, as it was comically depicted by Chaplin in 'Modern Times', the modern man is obsessed with having a stable working place, no matter how alienating or demeaning it may be, the juxtaposition of a flock of sheep and a herd of people rushing from the subway to work not being too complimentary about humankind, we can be happy that freelancing was invented, which can satisfy the modern man's longing for financial stability as well, without tying it to a certain company.

The only apparent disadvantage of freelancing is that, in spite of the convenient working schedule that you may set yourself, you don't benefit from the facilities of a regular working place, from office equipment to quiet and comfort and, last but not least, networking. Or, however creative or insouciant you are, you can't work anywhere, in noisy surroundings or without the required facilities. Freelancing refers rather to another manner of selling your services than to precarious living, inappropriate conditions or a laxer work ethics. The bottom line is that you need a suitable working space where to concentrate and carry out your activity at your best.

On the other hand, you are truly favored by comparison with regular employees: you are completely free to choose your working hours and also a working place meeting your highest expectations. All you have to do is to buy a garden studio that you can order according to your own design, and furnish your turnkey office at your pleasure.

There, no family or friends will limit your freelancing freedom, by annoying you during your working hours, asking to move your stuff whenever they feel like cleaning or they need your space for whatever other reasons. In short, you'll not be forced to perform badly for lack of focus, concentration being essential for any work well-done.

In this way, you could boast of having a perfect job: with the perfect working hours, your perfect own office and the perfect boss: you yourself. Having a kitchen and a toilet, even a shower room, if you desire so, your garden studio will be the best working place, as no other. Further, if you smoke, no one will be entitled to ask you to go outside, if you don't feel like it. You may open your windows wide or keep the door ajar in the cold season. Therefore, buy your own garden studio and become your own boss right now!

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