Sunday, April 29, 2012

Top 10 Simple Yet Effective Home Energy Tips

Top 10 [Simple Yet Effective] Home Energy Tips
by Syl Drops

To help U.S. consumers go green and save green, the Alliance offers this compilation of energy-saving tips:

    Seal air leaks and properly insulate – Always the first steps for reducing energy waste, saving up to 20% on heating and cooling bills and increasing home comfort.
    Turn off all lights, appliances and electronics not in use. (Sometimes the simplest things are really effective!)

As we approach Earth Day, it's a good time to remember that save energy efficiency can help "green" the planet while keeping more "green" in your wallet, says the Alliance to Save Energy.

Based on April data from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Alliance has calculated that the average U.S. household will spend about $2,100 on home energy this year.

"Consumers who experienced high winter heating bills and are already contending with spiraling gasoline prices are eager to spend less on home energy this spring and summer," said Alliance President Kateri Callahan. "Energy efficiency not only significantly cuts home energy costs, it also increases indoor comfort."

    Use your windows shades – Close blinds on the sunny side in summer and open them in winter.
    A programmable thermostat, properly programmed, can save up to 10% on cooling and heating costs.
    Look for the Energy Star label, the government's symbol of energy efficiency, on a wide range of consumer products to save up to 30% on related electricity bills.
    New & improved light bulbs – Reduce energy use from about a third to as much as 80% with today's increasing number of energy-efficient halogen incandescents, compact fluorescents and LEDs.
    Clean or change furnace filters regularly. A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm.
    Reduce water heater temperature to 130° F to  save energy and money on heating water; and wrap the water storage tank in a specially-designed "blanket" to retain the heat.
    Wash clothes in cold water to save $63 a year.
    Use low-flow faucets and shower heads to save on water bills, too.

About the Author:
Learn more about SyDrops.