Monday, February 27, 2012

How To Clean Pond and Control Algae Naturally

By Roland Stockwell

If you have a small pond in your garden or a larger water feature that you are responsible for then it is important to clean the water on a regular basis. It is easy for water bodies to get contaminated by bacteria and various organic matter. Whatever size of water feature you look after you can have a clean pond naturally using Bioverse products.

Today more people are becoming aware of environmental issues. There is no need for us to add to the problem by using lots of toxic chemicals to clean our ponds. There was a time when it was common practice to use copper sulphate to control or remove algae, now you can use a natural pond maintenance product from Bioverse so that you know you are doing what you can to protect the environment.

Another important factor about using natural products to clean your pond is that it is far better for the ecosystem. You will find transitional and wetland plants do not suffer or get damaged. The water will be safe to use much sooner.

There are a number of different options when it comes to Bioverse natural pond cleaning products. A lot of people choose the biodegradable Aquaspherepro. These just have to be thrown to the middle of the pond and allowed to sink. They will carry out their cleaning action unnoticed from the bottom of your pond. It is important to add a new sphere every thirty days. They range in size from 50,000 to 500,000 gallon capacity.

If you prefer, you could choose a natural product that comes in pails and bags. Water soluble bags work in a similar manner to the spheres. They will rest on the bed of the pond or lake and slowly release a beneficial bacteria which restores the water body to its past levels of beauty and balance.

It is possible to buy Bioverse natural cleaning pails for up to fifteen million gallons for lakes and larger water bodies that may be present on golf courses and estates.

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