Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Common Lawn Diseases

By Peter Nash

Lawn owners will be concerned with lawn diseases one time or another. Even the healthiest lawn is not exempted from developing lawn diseases. Lots of lawn diseases are difficult to identify and to distinguish. It is hard to diagnose and treat lawn diseases, just like the health concerns of human. Presence of spots, discolorations and circles in your lawn would give you a clue that your lawn has diseases.

One of the most common lawn diseases is the Dollar Spots that occurs as a result of decreased nitrogen levels in the lawn and in times of drought. If you happen to notice brown or straw colored spots on your lawn, it is most likely that your lawn has the Dollar Spot disease. Other factors that causes the development of Dollar Spots are overwatering, poor lawn drainage and low soil fertility. Another common and relatively harmless lawn disease is Red thread. Your lawn will manifest the red thread disease if it lacks nourishment.

If your lawn is shaded and it has decreased nitrogen levels Rust lawn disease can develop. Brown Patch is another lawn disease that appears as circular patches that are brownish yellow in color. Brown patch occurs in times of heat and humidity. Powdery Mildew another lawn disease causes the grass blade to have a white dust-like covering. Lawns that are shaded are usually affected with this type of disease. Puffballs also known as Toadstools are fungi that will thrive if the lawn has increased dead grass underneath. There are still many lawn diseases that most lawns will encounter, the above mentioned are only some of them.

Lawn diseases can be prevented by practicing good lawn care. Lawn diseases are lesser in lawns which are well-aerated, with proper drainage and good circulation. Maintain a lawn at a recommended mowing height; this will improve its ability to resist diseases. Fertilizer is also necessary to keep your lawn in a good condition. Keep in mind to remove thatch from the lawn to reduce the growth of diseases from dead plant material. Avoid watering your lawn at night since most diseases grow during this time.

Frequently check your lawn to maintain its ideal condition. Application of fungicide reduces certain fungal disease symptoms, but they are most effective if applied when the lawn is still wet. Fungicides will clear up most lawn disease, but regular use will result to fungicide-resistant lawns. Proper care for lawn reduces the risk of your lawn developing lawn diseases. Spending some time caring for your lawn and knowing the lawn care techniques will surely make your lawn free from lawn diseases.A healthy, vigorously growing lawn will lessen the occurrence of diseases.

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