Monday, May 14, 2012

The Many Benefits Of Cultivating Your Own Garden Produce

By Omar Lewis

The dream of being totally self sufficient and living off the fat of the land is unlikely at best but we can at the very least grow some of our own fruit and vegetables. How much fruit and vegetables it is possible to grow will depend on how big is your garden and your creativity. In the past, most people were required to grow their own produce. But today, most people just drive over to the local food store and get anything they desire. Yet the wave of growing your own fruit and vegetables is booming again so we will take a look at the benefits.

The first advantage of growing your own produce is money savings particularly because the world economy is in flux. While our economy is in its volatile state, our food costs will climb or we experience a shortage of one thing or another. But if you opt to grow your own produce, you will see that it can be easy and can have a positive influence on your wallet. You will be content in knowing that you will serve crops you made yourself and the cost of making it was minimal.

Over the past several years, the organic food industry has been developing traction and you are probably seeing more and more organic produce in your local supermarket. Without a doubt, there are lots of health benefits of eating food that's been certified organic. But the problem with organic food is the high prices which can be an issue if you are on a tight budget. On top of that, you wonder if the government criteria required to make a product certified organic is high enough. These issues could be dealt with by simply growing your own fresh food since you have total control of the entire process.

Because there is now an escalating awareness of natural health alternatives, so more people are beginning to question what they eat and how fresh their food is. The produce we consume should be supplying us with the nutrients we need to live and be healthy. We are unable to be reliant upon the use by dates mainly because it does not fully explain how fresh or how nutritious the product is. We must know precisely how long before the provisions were packaged before it got to store shelves. Plus we don't know if produce we see in the supermarket was picked at the peak of freshness or picked so it would look fresh by the time it reached the store. When you grow your own, you can actually pick these fresh from your garden at the optimum time to supply you with the nutrients in their most natural state.

In addition to all of these benefits is the sheer pleasure you can get from this, so go ahead and start growing your own fruit and vegetables today.

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