Saturday, January 28, 2012

What to look for in central air conditioner reviews

By Morey Barclay

When the time comes to replace your central air conditioner it likely has been more than a decade since you had last had to make this choice (hopefully close to 2 decades!). since no one is well versed in what is new and fun in the central air conditioning world you should be seeking out unbiased information to make a well informed decision. What you need to look for when you are researching is just as important as the research itself, so make sure you see these things in the sources you seek out:

1. SEER rating of the air conditioner - the SEER rating is the rating by which all ac systems are measured in terms of electrical efficiency. It is a measure of how much energy the unit wastes when it turns that electricity into cooling for your home. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient it is and the less it will cost you to run every month.

2. Reliability of the company that makes the ac system - when it comes time to put down your hard earned money you need to be sure that you are getting a quality product. It doesn't matter if you get a smoking deal if you are fixing it constantly. Make sure the review has an overview of what to expect from the company that manufactures the unit.

3. Years of warranty - hopefully you never need this, but if you do you will be glad you chose a unit with a good warranty. The warranties offered by company vary widely and you need to make sure that you know what you are getting prior to purchase. Pay special attention to whether the warranty cover labor or not, this can be a huge cost down the line if not.

4. Air conditioner pricing - where the rubber hits the road for nearly all of us. Unless you are the granddaughter of some oil baron you will be weighing this quite heavily. Make sure the review you are reading has at least some ballpark pricing information so that you know what you are getting into upon install.

As seen above the list for an air conditioner review doesn't have to be miles long. That said, you really should make sure that the review includes the 4 things listed above. If not you are not getting the entire story and will be making your decision without some necessary information.

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