Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Benefits Of Gardening With Greenhouse Kits

By Sharon Taylor

There are many benefits from this type of gardening, mainly having a controlled environment for gardening. This creates a warmer and more humid climate which plants love. Today, Greenhouse kits make it possible for every homeowner to have this advantage by offering an affordable product that can be easily assembled. They are much simpler than making an outdoor pond or building a deck.

When looking for a greenhouse kit, there are many factors to consider. You will want to determine how much space is available that you can dedicate to the project. Choose an area with somewhat level ground. After deciding how much space you have for the building, then you will be able to pick a size that suits your needs.

If you do not have enough yard space or do not desire to have a greenhouse in your yard, there are also kits available that can be used on a patio or any area that gets natural sunlight. Often referred to as a lean-to, these models make smart use of small space. They are perfect for the gardener who wishes to grow only a few plants, keep plants stored for winter, or jump start the spring growing season.

Cold-frames are another alternative when room is restricted. They are small, about four feet square and very portable. They are perfect for seedlings or when transplanting. Plants that are not hardy can be stored in them for the winter. An avid herb gardener would do well to use it to keep herbs throughout the winter months.

Greenhouse kits are made with panes of polycarbonate insulation which are far better than glass. This material is indestructible and even dense, flying objects such as a golf ball will not break it. It offers excellent protection from hailstorms and saves you the costly and time-consuming replacement of glass panes. It has insulation properties far superior than traditional glass; up to forty percent more heat is retained. It will let in as much light as glass will.

A homeowner will save a great deal on constructing the building in comparison to commercial types. Because the framework is lighter but just as strong, it can be shipped with the rest of the materials and effortlessly erected by the consumer. This means no delivery trucks backing up onto the yard to unload and no damaged grass from heavy poles or frames.

Many kits contain window units that can allow for ventilation if needed. This is necessary in harsh summer months if the house becomes too hot and is an economic alternative to buying cooling fans. Many accessories are available to help keep a controlled climate all year round.

There are two types of doors to choose from: sliding doors and hinged doors. Sliding doors are less likely to be affected by hard wind and will not slam shut unexpectedly when open. Many types of greenhouse kits have locks on the doors which can protect your investment from vandalism or theft.

No matter what size you choose, greenhouse kits offer an excellent way to expand your passion for gardening and get an edge over the elements that constrain growing seasons. Vegetables, herbs, and fruits can be harvested during cold months and reduce expenses for store bought produce. In many cases, the initial investment can be recaptured within the first few years.

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