Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Benefits Of Home Made Bread

By Chandrasekaran Rajamani

Bread is a popular food in most societies.

Bread is one food that has history behind it and people have been consuming bread for hundreds of years.

The development and consumption of leavened bread had been in vogue for hundreds of years.

The preparation of bread is done by making dough first by mixing flour,water and other ingredients of our choice and baking the prepared dough.

People made bread at home before mass production factories took over the job of making bread.

The process of bread making was messy and time consuming so people chose commercial bread and stopped making bread at home.

Unfortunately the quality of the commercial bread available in stores is not always what is claimed to be.

The commercial bread has many disadvantages.

The presence of unhealthy substances such as preservatives,additives,bromides,anti-fungal chemicals,pesticides,insecticides,aluminum and others in commercial bread makes it's consumption harmful.

These contaminants cause allergic reactions,disturbances in the bowel movement process and interfere with the digestive system thereby adversely affecting our health.

They may also create uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea,bloating,headaches and general lack of energy.

It is also found that these harmful substances may play havoc with body's hormone system thereby causing hormone related ailments.

The solution is simple. Make your own bread at home.

The health advantages of home made bread are many compared to commercial bread.

Since you have control over the whole process,home made bread is bound to be healthier when compared to commercial bread as the purity of the ingredients is in your hands.

Home made bread is fresh and the purity of ingredients in our control. We can have variety of dishes of different tastes by changing the ingredients according to our choice.

Home made bread is healthier because it has naturally occurring nutrients unlike commercial bread in which all natural nutrients are stripped off during the manufacturing process. Even if commercial bread is enriched with vitamins and minerals it can not match the naturally occurring nutrients present in home made bread.

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