Sunday, February 12, 2012

Use these Tips to Find Gardening Success (Even If You’re A Newbie!)

By Manueel Jacky

The internet has plenty of information and articles available for those who want to learn more about growing things. There are all sorts of websites and articles that have been developed for expert gardeners too! After all, even world famous gardeners like to keep up with the latest developments in gardening. Because you are new to gardening you probably have a lot of ideas about how growing your own garden is supposed to work.

Start simple. If you have never grown a garden before, start with a single plant or type of plant in a small space. This will teach you how to take care of a plant and the ground in which it is planted. Wait until you find success with just one plant or group of plants and then try to grow a variety of plants and practice more advanced gardening techniques. Many beginning gardeners try to take on too much too quickly and then get discouraged when they don’t have a yard full of thriving plant life in just a few days or weeks. Gardening is best learned in baby steps: start small and work your way up!

Learn to tell the difference between weeds and the plants you want to grow. Believe it or not, there are a lot of new gardeners who still think that weeds and plants will look different enough that telling them apart will be easy. The truth is that garden plants, especially when they are just beginning to sprout, are easily mistaken for weeds. If you don’t learn the difference you could accidentally rip up a bunch of your garden without meaning to do so! Learn to identify the weeds before you begin planting. This will save you a lot of heartache later on.

Instead of using pesticides, use aphids. Using pesticides could do a lot of damage to your plants (not to mention how bad they are for the environment). They can also be very bad for your health if you plan on eating what you are growing. The best way to fight back against bugs and other pests who eat your plants is to set some ladybugs free in your garden-they’ll eat the pests! The ladybugs won’t do any damage to your plants because they eat the pests that would otherwise wreak havoc on your garden. Ladybugs and other pest eaters can be great for your garden. Pest eaters like ladybugs are more environmentally friendly than the alternative. You won’t eat them by accident. And they deal with your garden pests for you!

Gardening is often seen as a difficult activity. The truth is that anybody can learn how to do it. Don’t let yourself get intimidated by the photos you see in gardening magazines or displayed on television shows. The truth is that, with enough patience and hard work, anybody can learn how to grow beautiful gardens. All you need is a few planting seasons to figure things out and, with enough patience and hard work you can grow a beautiful garden, even if you’ve had bad luck up until now. Don’t give up! You’ll get to where you wan to go!

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