Friday, October 14, 2011

Welcome To The Scotts Annual Lawn Care Program

By David Lambert

Is taking care of your lawn a tedious, hit or miss affair for you? If you are busy running around with the kids, have all kinds of errands and other chores that define your life for the 21st century, read on... With all of these items to keep our lives so busy, repeatedly keeping a lawn looking in tip-top condition is simply not at the top of most peoples' lists. Scotts has developed a system that takes all the guesswork out of lawn care and maintenance so you can save lots of time in your lawn care program.

The Scotts Annual Lawn Care Program

Scotts is the leader in residential lawn care products, and created the Scotts Annual Lawn Care Program specifically for people who love their lawns thick, green, and lush, but don't have the time, or know-how to fine tune a lawn care program of their own.

The grass in a lawn needs regular feedings to truly thrive. Regular feedings will help grow a lawn that is not only healthy, but will be more able to stand up to heavy traffic and fight off problems such as disease or insect damage. The Scotts Lawn Care Program calls for regular feedings every 6 to 8 weeks, which will go a long way towards creating a healthy lawn to be proud of.

Here Is How the Scotts Annual Lawn Care Program Works

Creating an easy-to-follow lawn care program seems like such a logical thing to do, but one wonders why it took so long for a company to produce it. The Scotts Lawn Care Program is simple to use; If you wish to begin, simply go to the Scotts website. Just answer a few simple questions about the type of grass you have, and your location in the country. If you are not sure what sort of grass you are dealing with, Scotts will help you identify it.

Based on your geographical location, and grass type, Scotts will identify the products you need, and when to apply them to your lawn.

For example: Let's assume you live in Michigan and have a lawn type of bluegrass/rye/fescue. Scotts gives you the following plan. (Please note that almost all northern climates will have a similar plan:) Scotts also has a variety of different products and plans that are used for southern lawns.

Early Spring Application - February- April: Scotts Turf Builder with Halts.

If you reside in the cold weather states have a long harsh winter, your grass will need some tender loving care to get growing again. Crabgrass is an ugly, unwanted 'weed' grass that can quickly take over a lawn if not dealt with. Scotts Halts will lay down a protective barrier that will keep Crabgrass from germinating for the entire growing season.

Second Application - April-June (Late Spring): Scotts Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control.

This application will afford your turf another feeding of nutrients, helping it to develop a strong, deep root structure. Also it will help with weed control, like dandelions, chick-weeds and most other broad-leaf weed growth.

Summer (apply June-August): Scotts Turf Builder with SummerGuard

Your lawn needs nutrients the most during the hot, dry, dog-days of summer. SummerGuard will feed the lawn roots and strengthen the plants to guard against the high summer temperatures, drought conditions, and guard against insect damage.

Fall (Apply September-November): Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard

You lawn has now emerged from a long hot summer and it is ready for the "cool-down" period of fall, and needs to get ready for the "hibernation" phase of the winter months. WinterGuard gives one final deep feeding to the grass roots to prepare for this growth phase.

Consider Supplementary Feedings of Scotts Turf Builder with 2% Iron.

You can apply this product at any time of the year, between the regular feeding schedule, as it helps the grass acquire additional strength and will crowd out those nasty weeds.

Scotts Annual Lawn Care Program: Part of a 'Green' Lawn Care Routine

There are many Eco-friendly attributes that are a outcome of a healthy, green turf. One of the most crucial of these is a healthy turf with millions of plants, they will absorb massive amounts of CO2 and replace it with oxygen. Another attribute of a healthy, green lawn is that it helps to lower temperatures around a home during the hot summer months. Healthy lawns absorb a great deal of rainwater and this will help to control storm-water runoff and relieving stress on storm water handling systems.

The Scotts Annual Lawn Care Program can be part of a 'environmentally-friendly' lawn care routine that includes the regular feedings, mowing the grass high, and leaving grass clippings on the lawn.

Go Phosphate-Free with Scotts

Excess phosphates that are introduced into turf areas with many fertilizers can operate-off into streams and waterways where it is a major contributor to oxygen depletion and algae production. Scotts now has available a phosphate version of every product that they suggest in their Annual Lawn Care Program. Be sure to use these phosphate-free products wherever you can and keep your lawn-care program a higher shade of green.

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