Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Home Remedies Using Common Herbs

Aside from scientifically-proven medicinal use, herbs are fast becoming the newest option for treatment at home due to its accessibility. Asians, for one, are the ones who commonly practice the use of herbs as medicines.

What many have failed to realize is that this was the only source of treatment before modern cures became available. But in recent years, there was a revival of herbs, especially when numerous banning of several drugs came about. As a result the number of people opting for herbal medicine is fast increasing.

If you do prefer the natural healing properties of herbal medicines over synthetic products and chemically produced medicines, then you can always find them from your nearest drug store. However, there are recipes that you can create at home to provide immediate relief for common health conditions. Listed below are just a few of the most usual herbs used at home to treat common ailments or to provide relief.


When you are stressed out, you might find your body feeling aches and pains. You can use the analgesic effect present in peppermint to calm yourself. This herb is also used in aromatherapy to relax your senses. To experience its effect, you can try drinking peppermint tea since it is widely available in the marketplace. Meanwhile, you can pound a few peppermint leaves so you can directly apply it as balm on painful areas of your body.

Ringworm Bush

This type of herb specifically targets ringworms and other forms of fungal infection. To use it, you must follow the procedures below:

1. Wash a substantial amount of leaves from this herb making sure that they are clean and free from any residue
2. Pound the leaves until their natural juice releases.
3. Apply the secreted juice directly onto the afflicted areas of the skin.
4. You can do this as often as you desire until the skin infections are totally gone.

Chinese Honey Suckle

The Chinese Honey Suckle is one of the most common herbal remedies for younger kids suffering from intestinal worms. In order to administer the treatment, the mature seeds of the plant are removed. Those seeds are cracked until the insides are revealed. Take approximately 5 to 8 seeds for children and 8 to 12 seeds for adults. You can ingest those seeds to get rid of the intestinal worms. Be careful about taking the seeds' tougher outer layer because it might lead to stomach problems.


Garlic is a widely used herb for culinary purposes. In fact, it is present in most household kitchens for it contributes to a great tasting dish. However, the use of garlic for medicinal purposes and herbal remedies at home could be another reason for you to stock up on garlic in your kitchen.

Garlic effectively reduces your blood pressure while also helping to remedy a high level of cholesterol in your blood. To address the latter health condition, the garlic can be sauteed, boiled, or eaten as is. A continued intake or inclusion of garlic in your diet is advised to reduce the risks of heart attack or stroke.

Garlic is also known as a natural antibiotic. Aside from its contribution to leaving a pleasant taste to your dishes, it also has several accompanying health benefits.

Guava Leaf

Guava is a popular fruit in the Philippines. But aside from being a delicious fruit, guava is popular for another thing: for its wide herbal and medicinal usage.

The Guava tree leaves have several uses for treating certain illnesses or wounds. Simply pound the leaf until it secretes its natural juice so you can apply it directly onto your skin or in the infected areas. Because of the leaves' antiseptic quality, it will help avoid further infections on your wound.

Meanwhile, the leaves could also be boiled. The solution can be used as gargle to help treat tooth decay and infections in your gum.

The practicality of herbs is unmatched. In one instant, you can use herbs like garlic or peppermint to spice up your dishes. On the other hand, you can also utilize their active components to provide easy cures for common wounds or illnesses without spending a dime.